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October Sixth.


"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins."Matt. xxv. 1.

THE great concern of man in this world should be so to live that, when his day of removal arrives, he may be prepared for the momentous change. And that he may be prepared, the Lord has given to him His book of life for instruction and guidance; and it is well for him to remember that the words contained in this book, the same shall judge him at the day when time to him shall be no more; consequently, to him the last day. He will do well, therefore, to be wise in time, not to trust to the views, opinions, and commentaries of others, but to study the book of God for Himself.

Religious profession, without the fruits of a good and holy life, is the grand deception, the mildew of the soul, the canker-worm that eats into the very vitals. Look for a moment at this beautiful parable, and let us strive to trace the analogies that compose it. How pregnant it is with meaning and with warning. The kingdom of heaven is by our Lord here compared to ten virgins; because virgins denote such as are in the affection or love of truth, as all true members of the church are, or should be; and the number ten is expressive of fulness.

But the parable shews us that half only of these virgins were wise; thus, that the real principles of religion are, in reality, practised by few. All are called to the marriage of the great King's Son, and all seem