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saith the Lord, "The heaven is my throne, the earth is my footstool." And when we have contemplated the letter of the Word with attention, have dwelt with a holy calm upon its truths, how often has heaven, or the spiritual sense within been opened unto us! how has the Lord revealed His love, unfolded some of the wonders of His providence, and given us the tacit assurance of future peace and rest! When we have done good for its own sake, and have ascribed the praise unto Him who alone enabled us to do good, how often has a glimpse of heaven filled us with rapture, and conveyed to us the still small voice of heavenly approval: "Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Then has a heavenly calm and serenity overspread our souls. Love to all that God has made, gentleness, and innocence, prepare the mind for the descent of the divine influences of the Spirit of truth, and we feel the approval as we see the symbol of the Dove descending upon us. Go forth, then, straightway out of the water, that the baptism of faith and love may be secured.

October Eleventh.


"And the Lond God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"Gen. iii. 9.

MAN is continually looking out of, instead of within, himself, and thus fails to acquire a true knowledge of his spiritual and internal condition. Moreover, man is constantly listening to the seduction of his senses. Those allurements which minister to