Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/152

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"Everlasting spring abides,
And never with'ring flowers.

A land of truth, of hope, of peace,
Where Immortal flow'rets, glowing
With undying powers, increase
All our joys to overflowing.

Land of rivers and of fountains,
Brighter than the eye hath seen;
Land of gold-capp'd dewy mountains,
Blooming in eternal green.

Land of blissful, fond affection,
Chaster than on earth we find;
There our virtues gain perfection,
Home and birth-right of the mind.

Source of all our nobler feelings,
Hallowed thoughts are born above,
And the pure heart's strong revealings
Flow from Him whose name is Love."

Let us then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and lead a life in harmony with that belief; then shall we in the end be translated to a glorious mansion in the land of eternal life and beauty.

October Fifteenth.


"What shalt I do to inherit eternal life?"Luke xviii. 18.

THIS question is answered by the great Saviour, who first remarks,—"Thou knowest the commandments;" and then enumerating those which have reference to the maintenance of a good and useful life, and enforcing therefrom the sound doctrine, that life cannot be entered into unless the commandments are kept.