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October Seventeenth.


"Marriage is honourable in all."Heb. xiii. 4.

THOUGH the apostle states that "marriage is honourable in all;" and although our Lord expressly gave His sanction to it, and wrought His first miracle in honour of it, Christian parents seem to shrink from making it a subject of thought, reflection and conversation with their children; they do not appear to think it necessary to guide them, by wise and holy counsel, in this momentous action of their lives: and yet, when an ill-assorted or imprudent marriage is the natural consequence, parents wonder that their children should so far act foolishly, and forget their duty. But ought they not to have told them their duty? Did they ever shew them the importance of the marriage covenant? Did they ever converse with them upon it, pointing out the sad consequences of improper and imprudent unions? No! they left them to wander without a guide, and yet are surprised that they have missed their way! How could they expect to reap what they had not sown? They neglected to shew the origin of the marriage covenant; they neglected to sow the seeds of truth and virtue: what, then, more natural, than that the young mind should become occupied with the rank weeds of unhallowed passion.

Marriage is holy, and proceeds from a holy God! It leads to holiness in itself, and is the image and cor-