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holy love and wisdom cannot be separated. The acts of the Lord are all perfect and need no revision. If nothing can separate the church from the love of the heavenly husband; if "neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come," can separate the Christian from the love of his adorable Lord and Saviour—who shall say that death can dissolve that marriage which is the union of love and wisdom in two human souls of different sex, and is at the same time an emanation from the Lord's love to his church, and an exact resemblance of it? No: whatever is of God shall stand; and as marriage is of God, it, too, must stand, even after death has dissolved the bodily frame.

Death makes no alteration in the soul. It does not change or modify the love of the spirit. When, therefore, two souls are united together in the bond of hallowed affection, that bond must endure for ever. The tie that on earth has united two hearts in the bond of holiness and mutual love, will remain in heaven more close, more holy, more blessed and glorious than it possibly could be on earth.

October Eighteenth.


"Marriage is honourable in all."Heb. xiii. 4.

MARRIAGE is honourable in all persons and in all respects. Honourable in its, origin, its nature, its effects, and its end. But to be truly honourable it must rest firmly on the basis of sincere,