Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/163

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An inextinguishable fire
Whose brightness but with life departs.

There is a sympathy which none
But pure and holy hearts can feel,
A blessed interchange of thought,
A balm the wounded soul to heal.

There is a friendship, true and warm,
Which time can never—never shake;
Which, like the rock, stands firm, unmoved,
Midst storms and waves which round it break.

There is a sweet affection, which
Earth cannot stain or time efface;
The love which warms congenial hearts,
When worth in each is at its base.

There is a true, unchanging love,
Which, like a star, shines mild and bright,
A constant and a ceaseless light,
Which brightest beams in sorrow's night.

O, joy of joys! when two pure minds
In unison can feel and live—
When soul to soul is firmly knit!
True love alone such bliss can give."

October Nineteenth.


"The rain cometh down and the snow from heaven."Isa. lv. 10.

GOD has been pleased, in His infinite love and mercy, to reveal to man that every natural thing mentioned in His Word is but the type, the corresponding emblem, of something spiritual; and He has also graciously made known to us the spiritual signification of these natural emblems.

We are all aware of the important uses of dew, rain, and snow. The same services that these per-