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His wings." This snow is natural truth, the Word as it exists in the letter.

When the man who is about to be regenerated is in this wintry state, if he read the Word at all, he reads it more from habit, and because he has been taught to do so by his parents and teachers, than from any love for its sacred contents. He, as yet, does not appreciate their value; they appear to afford him no spiritual nourishment; he thinks they relate merely to the regulation of his external conduct; he does not recognise their internal import.

But this natural degree of truth is of great importance, and, from its use and its purity, is typified by snow, white and shining. Therefore, it is written in Job xxxvii., that "God said to the snow. Be thou on earth;" and in Psalm cxlvii., "He giveth snow like wool." But, if we are really regenerating, the Lord does not suffer us to continue long in this state. "He sendeth out His word and melteth them; He causeth His winds to blow, and the waters flow."

October Twentieth.


"Take, therefore, no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."Matt. vi. 34.

HOW wise and merciful are the ordinations of Providence with regard to man's destiny in this world! We are so curious to know how we shall be circumstanced in the after stages of life, that, if we had the power, we would, with rude and unhesitating hand, draw aside the curtain which conceals from our