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October Twenty-first.


"The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shalt I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"Psalm xxvii.

THERE are two sources of light, though both have one origin. We have light from the natural sun: from that vast body of fire all the light of this world proceeds. This is natural light. But we have also light from another sun, which is the sun of the spiritual world, and of all that is spiritual in universal nature. This sun is the proximate sphere of the Lord's divine glory; from this sun is derived all the light of our spirits, or of our inner and spiritual man, as truly as our material bodies derive all their light from the sun of our system. And this spiritual sun is no other than the divine heat and light proceeding from the divine person, or divine humanity, of Jesus Christ our Lord. That heat is divine and infinite love; that light is the divine and infinite wisdom. When therefore it is said, "The Lord is my light," it implies a real knowledge that every degree of light we receive in the understanding or intellect, is from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Sun of righteousness, alone. Now, as spiritual light comprehends all science, all knowledge, all intelligence, all wisdom, whether natural, moral, civil, spiritual, or religious—it follows hence that from Jesus Christ alone, whose divine love and wisdom constitute the sun of heaven, all wisdom originates. Without Him we can do nothingARE NOTHING. But there is one thing of importance to be here reflected upon. As with the natural sun in