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September First.


"In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness."Zech. xiii. 1.

WHILE we view the prophecies of the Old Testament in their literal sense, as applying to the Jewish church and people, and while we consider their application to the wants of the church in the days of the Lord's first advent, let us not be unmindful of their individual application to us in this, the day of His second appearing. Every reader of the Holy Word may, with certainty, believe that the truths therein contained have a personal and individual reference, and that he can read no general truth which has not a distinct and definite allusion to himself. If this were reflected on, how anxious would he be to institute an interior examination of his life and conduct, that he might heed the solemn warnings, and rejoice in the cheering promises, which meet him, like angelic messengers, to conduct, support, and guard him, on the way to his Father's kingdom.

Here is a cheering passage for him in the last days—the days in which we live: a fountain is opened for sin and for uncleanness; and the members of his spiritual house, or affections, and the inhabitants of