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Lord is the strength of my life," it means that the divine love or goodness of Jesus Christ is the essence and source of all our light and truth, our faith and love, from first principles even to ultimates.

We are hereby instructed that the man who can truly say, "The Lord is my light and my salvation," dwells in perfect safety, secure in the Divine protection; and no others are safe, because the Lord is not the strength of the life of other men. We learn, also, that whatever enemies the truly regenerating Christian may be exposed to, their rage and malice will be exerted against him in vain; they will stumble and fall in their wicked designs, while the object of their hatred shall stand unhurt and secure, for the Lord Jesus Christ is the strength of his life.

October Twenty-second.


"When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell"Psalm xxvii. 2.

IN this world man has a warfare to engage in— many enemies to contend against: and the further he advances in his journey towards heaven, the more upright he is, the more faithful in his life and conversation, the more he strives to do justly and walk humbly with God, the more powerful are the enemies he may expect to encounter; because heavenly principles brought forth into the life, are ever opposite to the states not only of the outwardly wicked and profane, but also of false professors.

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself experienced much