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or any disposition of our self-hood that would injure him, let us rather seek every opportunity to do him good. We have no right to breathe suspicion against any man, to throw out insinuations that he may be indulging in flagrant evils, though we cannot openly charge him with such. We have no right to injure his peace, and introduce into his heart the adder of poison. Our duty is to copy the angels, who explore each other for good, imparting in return the good that is in themselves. Thus shall we act in imitation of our Divine Master.

October Twenty-third.


"For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people, He will beautify the meek with salvation."Psalm cxlix. 4.

THE Lord's people are those who exercise heavenly principles. And what are these principles? It can be answered, they are such principles as have their origin in heaven; that is, such as are derived from the Lord, the essence of all that is good and true.

1. There must be a firm conviction of the Supreme Deity of our Saviour Jesus Christ, that He is "over all, God, blessed for evermore." There must be a firm faith in Him: it must be believed that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. This is the first principle in heaven. To this every knee must bow, every tongue confess. This is the foundation of the church on earth, and other foundation must no man lay; and this is the corner-