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October Thirtieth.


"Your Master also is in heaven."Eph. vi. 9.

THERE is another duty which the master should enforce; observance of the Sabbath. It is the bounden duty of every master to allow his servant that time which is required to attend public worship, not as a favour or a kindness, but as a right, and by no means to interfere with the conscience. The Word of God may be read in the house, and family worship may call upon the servant to kneel at the household altar; but the conscience must be left perfectly free. Man is accountable only to his Maker, and religion is a question between the Lord and the soul of man. The master must remember that his Master also is in heaven, and exercise lenity and moderation towards the servant.

Human nature, especially where the education has been neglected, needs encouragement. It is not every mind that can pursue the straight path, and persevere in it without assistance and encouragement: therefore, strengthen the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.

Reprove, but forgive, light trespasses, "for if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses." If with what measure we mete it shall be measured to us again, we can only expect kindness from others as we shew it to others: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."