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of Divine Truth. And then, as in the case of Elijah, comes the Divine support, the cake baked on the coals, and the cruse of water at his head. It is in such a state that the Christian, like Elijah, eating of that bread, the Divine Love, and drinking of that water, the Divine Truth, finds in that meat and drink strength sufficient for the forty days' trial he has to undergo, until he comes to Horeb, the Mount of God; being then gifted with the power of a Divine patience to endure the whole process of the temptation, by which he is conducted to the full regeneration, or the conjunction of heavenly love and wisdom. There can be no real peace until our enemies are defeated. The hidden manna will not be bestowed upon us until we have overcome the trials which are the means of our regeneration, "He that overcometh, I will give him to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone." First, then, there is the labour, the trial, the contention against our evils and errors; and then there is the victory by the power of the Divine Truth, which brings spiritual rest and peace. Truth having overcome falsehood, and good overcome evil, combat and warfare is ended, and the reward is bestowed; the reward is in that which is hidden. The Divine love permeates the affections, and the hidden manna is to do the will of the Lord, and to glorify him for the wonderful deliverances during the progress through the wilderness. The white stone is the pure Divine Truth which governs the understanding, and impresses the soul with that new name, that new quality, which is fitting for all who enter the heavenly kingdom. But while we exist in this state of trial, while we are traversing through the wilderness, which