Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/200

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the human race. Thy love is never intermitted; but oh, prepare the hearts of men that it may be felt, and that men may acknowledge Thy goodness, while they feel Thy love, and glorify Thee who hast so constantly supplied their every want. And grant that this family, who have so constantly been the subjects of Thy Divine bounty, may shew forth Thy loving-kindness, by being good, and doing good to the utmost of the ability with which Thou hast endowed them.

Our Father, &c.

Mednesdap Ebering.

MNIPOTENT. Omnipresent, and Omniscient

Lord God Almighty, to whom all hearts are

open, and from whom no secrets can be hid, permit us

to humble ourselves this evening in Thy presence, and

with reverence and pure devotion, enable us to worship toward thy holy temple.

Another day has passed: the return of evening again reminds us that we are strangers and pilgrims, and that this is not our rest; and we feel that while the night season claims our bodies for repose, our souls ought still to be actively employed in securing a state of true rest and peace, when all earthly duties shall have terminated.

Every day's experience convinces us of the warfare that is going on in our minds. We feel within us a fearful opposition to the law of truth. The good that we would we do not,-but the evil that we would not that we do. We find that when we would do good evil is still present with us. The inward man delights