Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/206

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capacity to understand Thy truth. We feel Thy goodness in the enjoyment of bodily existence. Every breath we draw reminds us of the influence of Thy good Spirit, by which we live, and move, and have our being. In every deed of charity we are enabled to perform, we feel that Thy Divine goodness alone can render the deed blessed; and we pray that we may never be lifted up or inflated by pride, as though the righteousness, instead of being Thine, were our own. When the pure doctrines of Thy Word engage our attention, and from the little knowledge which we have acquired of Thy truth we are enabled to make known the light of Thy truth to these who are in greater darkness than ourselves, may we remember that Thou only art the Truth, and Thou alone art entitled to the praise; and may our prayer to Thee still be, "O send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may lead us and conduct us to Thy holy hill."

Our Father, &c.

Saturdap Ebening. LORD JESUS CHRIST, we pray that in the

performance of our temporal duties, we may keep Thee ever before us. May the hand of our ability ascribe its power unto Thee. May the prudence with which we perform our worldly duties derive its blessings from Thy Divine wisdom. May the skill by which we produce articles of use and beauty be confessed as originating in a humble imitation of the work of Thy Divine hands; and may no earthly en'gagement be entered upon until we have implored