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cause it is couched in many words, Let us learn to keep our duties within the bounds of wise moderation, for this is the true meaning of the word temperance. Be temperate in meat, in drink, in sleep, in pleasure, in apparel, in amusement; and in all things shew your allegiance to the great Giver of all good, by a life of love, of truth, and soberness; so shall the seed of truth find its way into good ground, and bring forth fruit to perfection.

September Third.


"I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shalt be my people."Jer. xxxi. 33.

IT is a truth that the law of the Lord is perfect; and all who place themselves under its guidance, become perfect, as their Father in heaven is perfect; that is, they become relatively or finitely perfect, as their Father in heaven is infinitely so.

The ark, which always preceded the Israelites, and of which it is written, previous to their commencing their march, “Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered,” contained the two tables of the law written by the finger of God; and hence, was indicative of the divine presence. Now, if we consider that the Lord is ever present in His Holy Word, then we have ever present with us that guide which can never mislead us. The chief thing to be attended to, is that we follow, and presume not to lead. Here lies all the danger. If the divine Word of Truth, which is our Ark, is placed behind instead of before; if, instead of follow-