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should be born of a woman, and was born of a woman, still the Lord had not a HUMAN father. His father was the inmost of Deity itself—the principle that no man had seen or could see; and from this principle alone was He able to spoil principalities, and having subdued the enemies of man, to glorify His humanity, and became for ever a medium, or, as the apostle expresses it, "a Mediator between God and man,"

Upon this distinction—that the inmost Esse of Deity was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that He had not a human father like unto man—depends all true knowledge of the Lord's glorification:

Materiality can by no process be made divine. Matter, whether in a gross or etherealized form, is matter still, and if it could be found to possess any of the attributes of spirit, it would cease to be matter. The Lord's glorification could not consist in making materiality Divine—this was impossible even to Deity—but it consisted in manifesting, in the ultimates of the human form, that principle which was derived from the hidden, or inmost Esse of God, and by which Mary conceived—it consisted, as the apostle describes it, in rendering "God manifest in the flesh."

John, speaking of the Lord Jesus, says: "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him at the last day." To reject the Lord, is to reject and disbelieve the testimony of His Divine Word.

Let us pause and reflect upon this momentous truth? Rejection of the Lord in His glorified humanity, as the true and only object of worship, is the rejection of all life, all happiness, "He that be-