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November Fourth.


"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb!"Isa. xlix. 15.

A CHRISTIAN mother is a striking image of God's love—untiring, unchanging, ever watchful. Looking constantly to the Lord, she knows that without Him she can do nothing. In this, her very weakness becomes strength, because she trusts in Him from whom alone help can come. From the love of God is produced the love of her husband, and then ensues the tender affection she bears toward her children.

There is a passage in the writings of a revered author which is very precious to her soul, and which is to the following effect:—"It is the highest privilege of parents to be able to think, that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have had descendants, and that they have furnished society with as many ministers to its happiness as they have had children." To have this high satisfaction, she brings the whole powers of her mind to bear upon the object of her love. All the knowledge she has acquired in early years; all the firmness which past experience has supplied her with; all the truths with which God's Holy Word has furnished her, and which are stored in her memory, are brought to bear upon the high work of forming aright "the mind and life of the young immortal." She is actively employed in training children for heaven, in forming the minds of angels. Her eye bends constantly in love over her young charge. How kind and affectionate to them! how self-denying