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they cannot trust providence in the dark; still less can they suppose that providence is equally kind in depriving us of our possessions, as in securing them to us.

Severe trials are ordained for useful purification; but it requires great advancement in the Christian life, calmly and gratefully to contemplate the footsteps of the Divine providence, through the medium of intense sufferings. But when this is seen, then is there always the expression of 'Thy will be done!'

November Sixth.


"He doeth according to His will."Dan. iv. 35.

THE will of the Lord is, that all men should be saved. The Divine will must be the perfection of holiness. As the Lord is perfect in goodness, and desires the happiness of all His creatures, so He leaves them perfect freedom of will, to choose either happiness or misery; and though He may—as indeed He does—counsel them to choose life, yet he plainly allows freedom of choice; for how can a man exercise choice unless possessed of freedom?

Man alone has freedom of will; and it is this which renders him an accountable being. Human laws violated by those who have not freedom, are never punishable. The most flagrant violations of social order, the commission of the most outrageous crimes, can never call down upon the lunatic or insane any visitation from violated law. No matter what amount of injury has been done, what extent of human life