Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/229

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and most inaccessible rocks. Its eye is so powerful that the brightest rays of the sun at the meridian fall on it without injury; and its sight is so piercing that it can perceive the smallest object on the earth. Its strength and courage are equal to its activity and piercing power of vision. The eagle, by its penetrating sight, is a proper symbol of the Divine Intelligence. Its piercing eye, superior to any other, seems to sweep the world at a glance. While other birds make their dwellings in trees, the eagle builds on the highest rock; while ever so far above, it sees all below. The strongest and most courageous of its kind, it has been assumed as a fitting symbol of sovereignty.

Let us here draw a parallel. Yes: the whole Scriptures testify of the Lord; and there is not an object or subject, but that, in some way or other, shadows forth some power or quality, or attribute of the Divine nature.

The intelligence of the Lord is divine! As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His thoughts higher than ours. His intelligence is infinite. The eagle, then, is its fitting symbol, for it soars upward into the pure ether, where the eye of man can neither penetrate nor behold. To the Divine Being the whole universe is an open book. At one glance the Omniscient sees all, and the Divine Intelligence searches out all; and there is not a thought but the Lord knows it altogether. Finite minds are limited in perception—they see and know the truth only in part; but the Infinite is self-dependent. Omnipotent, His dwelling-place is high and holy; and alone in His power, His dwelling-place is inaccessible. None can approach Him so as to share His dignity or His glory: but the