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compelled to admit that man, without spiritual intelligence, is in a lower state even than the beasts; that to the love of himself are attached evils of the most malignant, though unsuspected, quality; and that from this source are continually flowing hatred, revenge, cruelty, adultery, covetousness, deceit, and a long catalogue of evils which stamp disgrace and deformity on man; which place him in direct opposition to what is good and heavenly; and, consequently, in opposition to God. Another melancholy consideration is, that when a man has thus far departed from submission to the Word and will of God, everything good and true continually flowing from him is entirely dissipated and lost, for he can acknowledge no single genuine truth; every desire and affection for goodness becomes desolated. And the reason is, that opposite principles of good and evil can no more reside in the same man, than heaven and hell can coalesce and unite; and, therefore, he stands the voluntary cherisher of evil and infernal spirits, and the willing slave of their hateful and destructive principles. This general outline of a perverted will and understanding is the representative character of the Babylonians: and Nebuchadnezzar, as the king and chief of this infatuated people, represented the reigning and dominant principle of the love of dominion, self-love and power derived therefrom. Every man partakes of the same quality, who, by an elevation of his sensual appetites over the eternal truths of heaven, arrogates impiously to himself that which in point of fact belongs to God alone.

And, therefore, we find the prophet, in the succeeding verses thus speaking: "Declare ye among the nations, and publish and set up a standard, publish