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enjoyment of His kingdom of purity, order, and blessedness.

What, then, would be our states unassisted by a revelation from God? The very same to which we should speedily revert, were we severed from communication with the Divine Word. And, without being left to conjecture merely, we are informed, that no sooner was the dream of the king interpreted by Belteshazzar, than the mighty monarch of Babel became like unto a beast; he was driven from men to eat grass as the oxen, and was in all respects on a level with the lowest of the brute creation. And the very same would be our inevitable state, were we unhappily deprived of our rationality, of a desire to be illuminated by the Word of God, with the additional misery of losing all love, all affection for what is good, pure, and heavenly.

Happy, then, is that man who will use his rational faculties under the direction of the Word of God! and the best proof which he can give that he is really so engaged, is to worship and adore the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the true God; labour in all respects to promote good and useful ends, in leading others to take repose under the shade of this blessed tree, as our hope and passport to a glorious life of immortality in heaven.

Novbember Thirteenth.


"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."John i. 29.

IS there anything more simple, more innocent, more interesting, than a lamb? Confiding as it is