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us or admire us, we are in the eyes of the Lord but ravening wolves.

To become a part of the flock of the Good Shepherd, we must put on His nature, and strive to become holy, harmless, and undefiled. We must love the Lord above all things, serve Him, and trust in Him before the sons of men; and, putting away all guile, deceit, and malignity, shew by our conduct how greatly we desire to become like our Lord. Then shall we be blessed while on earth, and when this earthly house of our tabernacle is dissolved, we shall be gathered into the one fold of the Good Shepherd above, to go no more out for ever.

Nobember Sixteenth.


"Be sober, be vigilant; Because your adversary, the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour"1 Peter v. 8.

{{di|T}HERE is among evil men, the roaring lion; the man whose heart is evil, and who from his evil inclinations, endeavours to make all evil around him: this man is generally either a loud and noisy disputant, or he is a sly and insinuating companion. In the first case, he is always ready to take up an argument against religion; not because it will in any way benefit himself, but because he feels a natural pleasure in endeavouring to destroy everything that is godlike in the minds of those around him. The other, who is described as the couching lion, is slier. He watches and waits until he finds an opportunity, and then he comes out with objections, which perhaps the other cannot