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of men who are emphatically "the light of the world." They are as beacons in the midst of a sinful and perverse generation. They are mediums in the hands of the Lord to spread abroad knowledge in the earth; they "run to and fro, that knowledge may be increased." Like the dove, they are fond of society; they cannot live in solitude, or separate themselves from others. Monastic cell or hermit's cave is not suitable to them. They must find companions, or they must make them; they are actuated by pure love to their neighbour, originating from love to the Divine Truth within them.

November Twenty-first.


"Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God."Ezek. xxviii. 13.

EDEN is significative of a state of love to the Lord, love of heaven and of the church; and thus it will embody every class of persons who love the Lord and their neighbour: but, while one class will love and adore the Lord more immediately for His goodness, another class will love and worship Him more immediately for His truth. One class will be dwellers at Jerusalem, another on the borders of the sea, and in the city of Tyrus. Both may have been in Eden, the garden of the Lord, and both may have been delighted with its verdure and its beauty. But the precious stones or spiritual truths which one class may have discovered there, he has garnered in his inmost affections, and placed to the account of heavenly goodness. These are the dwellers in the city of peace,