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these, we may presume, are the distinguishing virtues and graces of the angels of the spiritual heavens.

Now, let us inquire, Is this the state of our interior affections, or do we ardently desire to attain it? If so, we must perceive something of its blessedness, and that this blessed state consists in holy conjunction with the Lord. If we are living under the influence of this principle—it being a pure, spiritual, and heavenly one—it will elevate our minds far above what is evil and unjust in the world, and we shall be daily advancing in the way of regeneration.

November Twenty-fourth.


"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."Psalm xxxvii. 23.

BY steps, or walking, when mentioned in the Holy Word, we understand, in a good sense, man's spiritual progress and growth in heavenly goodness; and the opposite when the subject treated of is evil. The inmost principle of love existing in a wicked man is evil, because it is love of himself and the world, and the growth or advancement, or the steps, which a man in this state takes, is described by his progressing and increasing in wickedness, and all his steps are in contravention of the Divine laws or orders. His steps are not ordered by the Lord, but by himself, or by his evil love. Like the Israelites of old, "he ceases not from his own doings, nor from his own stubborn way."

In the solemn protestation of his integrity, Job (xxxi. 7, 8) thus prays: "If my step hath turned out