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exalted above the principle of holy love, and thus charity is degraded into a mere thing of science. Too true is it that Israel has profaned the church. She has carried oil to Egypt—she has become an empty vine—she has degenerated into a dead fig tree.

November Twenty-eighth.


"Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing."Psalm cxlv. 26.

ALTHOUGH it is a rule among us "to read often, and meditate frequently, upon the Word of the Lord," it is to be feared it is more beautiful in the theory than in the practice. Happy will it be if, in the end, we are found among the least in the kingdom of the heavens!

But there are some whose faith, grounded in love, is so vigorous and ardent, so hungry and thirsty after righteousness, so anxious for the means of advancing in the Divine life, and of communicating what they acquire, that they are constantly coveting the best gifts, hungering after heavenly good, thirsting after heavenly truth. What they already know of heavenly things delights them, but their desires are great; and as they desire, the Lord gives; and as the Lord gives, they dispense freely to others; and, coming again to the Lord, hungering and thirsting, they become blessed with a fulness of Divine nourishment. They meditate upon their bed, upon the doctrines and truths of the Word. They read frequently, and with their eyes lifted up—that is, with their understandings elevated