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sentative of love to the Lord; the lamp, as the containing vessel, represents the will of man prepared to receive this love or oil, which love is best exemplified by the love we bear each other; and the light emitted is representative of both these degrees of goodness brought into act or life, illustrative of what the Lord enjoins: 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

In consequence of this signification of the olive, the holiest article of furniture in the tabernacle and temple, were either anointed with olive oil or made of olive wood.

It was because the Mount of Olives was symbolic of celestial love, that it was so frequently resorted to by our Lord Jesus Christ: and so also, the man who is filled with this love is likened to a green olive tree in the house of the Lord. To sum up all, God Himself is love!

December Third.


"These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth."Rev. xi. 4.

THE witnesses are also called the two candlesticks, to represent that Divine wisdom which is the life of the spiritual heavens, of the spiritual church, and of the spiritual member of the church.

The Lord is not only love or heat, He is also wisdom or light; and it is this wisdom or light with which the Lord is clothed as with a garment. How beautifully