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spiritual Sodom is, alas! in the midst of us; and in the street or doctrine of spiritual Sodom, the goodness and mercy of the Lord are set aside by one who claims power over the souls and bodies of men. Look, on the other hand, at Egypt, and there is an equal thirst for dominion; charity is prostrated, and faith alone is clevated, and the two witnesses lie dead in the streets of spiritual Sodom and Egypt. Look, again, at the exultation of spiritual Sodom. The literal words of prophecy are, seemingly, at the present moment, in course of fulfilment. When was there a more daring assumption made by the disciples of spiritual Sodom than at the present moment? And the nations, the kindreds, and the tongues, are literally rejoicing, because, externally at least, both charity and faith seem dead, and goodness and truth have apparently "sprung on the viewless winds to heaven again." But, in reality, nothing that is from God can die, and according to the prophecy in the eleventh verse, the Spirit of Life from God will yet animate the two witnesses; and their teachings, or prophesyings, will yet convince mankind that all science, however externally beneficial; all knowledge, however great; all intelligence, however excellent it may be—can never be productive of benefit to the world, unless united with their respective degrees of goodness, so as to result in holiness and purity of life, with love to the Lord and the neighbour. The two witnesses, love and truth, are again preferring their claims to the Christian world; and though they are regarded by few, "their sound will certainly be heard in all the earth, and their words unto the end of the world."