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pose we were universally opposed, and hated by man, if, nevertheless, the Lord were our friend, what should we have to fear? Nothing! On the contrary, we should have everything to hope from the infinite power, love, and wisdom of our Friend; He being above all, God blessed for ever, We surely must see the unspeakable advantage of the Lord's favour and friendship. Are we then in possession of this friendship? Either we are the Lord's friends, or we are His enemies—there is no middle position to hold. If we are in the love of the world, the love of self, and the practice of evil, we are enemies to God by wicked works, and we are bitter enemies to ourselves also. The Lord, however, is still our friend, though we are not His; but, as the friendship is not reciprocal, His favour cannot be enjoyed. But if we love Him, and strive to do as He has commanded us; if we are obedient to Him, and walk in His ways; then is there a medium of conjunction opened, and we become His friends. Though we can render nothing to Him, but what He first gives to us, yet He will communicate to us every blessing that can tend to make us happy. The friendship thus begun on earth increases through life, and becomes matured and perfected in heaven.

This is a friendship between the creature and the Creator, between man and God. It is the poor, wandering, undutiful, prodigal son, brought back to his father's house to share His love and friendship.