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ultimately, after this life of probation, to enter the heavenly kingdom of rest and peace.

December Seventh.


"Walk about Zion, and go round about her! tell the towers thereof."Psalm xlviii 12.

BY towers, are spiritually significd the interior principles of genuine truth and holiness. On account of its elevation, a tower is well suited for observation; and on account of the strength with which it was in ancient times constructed, it was well adapted for defence against an enemy. Let us now observe how these two points bear upon the soul of man.

Things of a spiritual and Divine quality, such as pertain, in the supreme sense, to the Lord Himself; and, in a subordinate sense, to the soul of man, who is created in the image and likeness of God; are expressed in the literal sense of the Holy Word by that which is elevated, such as mountains and towers. Thus the Lord's dwelling-place is, from its elevation, described as being on Mount Zion; and the name, or quality, of the Lord, as to His omnipotence, is described as a strong tower, a tower of defence, into which the righteous enter and are safe.

With respect to man, when he shall have become purified by the trials of the regeneration, it is prophesied of him that he shall worship the Lord in the holy mount of Jerusalem; and his dominion shall be as the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, as the tower of the flock, (Isa. xxvii. 13; Mic. iv. 8)