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describes it (xl. 2) as standing on a high mountain, and on the southern side in the land of Israel; "In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south." In this case, as in the former, the description refers to the establishment of a New Church, and the nature of it is represented by natural images. A mount represents spiritual elevation—an exalted state of the affections; and by the prophet being taken to a very high mountain, is signified that the real truths and principles of the church can only be seen when the soul is elevated towards heaven—when the heart is raised by holy love, and the mind enlightened by Divine Truth.

It was not in the natural world, nor with his natural eyes, that the prophet beheld this. He was in the spirit; a state when the bodily senses are quiescent and wherein the sight is opened to discern spiritual things. This city was toward the south, and nearest to the light, indicating that the New Church of the Lord exists in the full light and heat of Divine Love and Truth.

Now, heaven, when introduced into the Word as a correspondence, is not to be considered as a place, but rather, as a state—a state described by our Lord, as having the kingdom of heaven within us—a state in which the will exists in love to the Lord, and the understanding in His truth: the pure and holy affections of goodness are described as being lost in the former church, and the light of truth no longer shines. The sun is darkened, and the moon gives not her light. "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought