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and Israel, therefore, points out the spiritual union between science, reason, and religion, which shall be a distinguishing feature in the latter-day glory. There shall be a highway—an open communication between science and reason. The minds of men shall be prepared by natural truth, and strengthened to reason upon it; while both shall lend their aid to support, unite, and uphold those Divine principles of love and truth in which the Lord will reside in the midst of His church. In the same sense it is that the Lord will gather those that are ready to perish in the land of Assyria—those principles of truth, in those minds in which the truth seems nearly overwhelmed with false reasonings; and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, those truths of natural science which have been either lost or perverted, and which have in some instances been condemned by the adherents of a false and consummated church. All these lost truths of natural science shall be restored. They shall do homage to the superior truths of reason, and especially of revelation; they shall come and worship the Lord in the Holy Mount of Jerusalem. They shall combine with the truth and good of the church, to extend the glory of the Lord, until "the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea."

Now, the establishment of the New and true Christian Church is preceded by new principles of truth, new feelings and new motives having taken possession of the human mind. Science and reason, which formerly were supposed to be injurious to the church and to have opposed its principles, will be sanctified and made one with pure truth and goodness; while perverted reason, and false science, will be destroyed or