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the human soul. It is folly to expect its appearance till the former heaven and the former earth have passed away. The grandeur of the external church, even among those who formerly were of great simplicity, shews that the disposition is of the earth, earthy; but until the heart is cleansed from its evils, and the understanding from its errors, it cannot descend from the old heaven, from the old inclinations, from the unchanged affections of its delight.

Divine Love must rule in the heart, Divine Truth must govern the understanding, before the New Church principles can find a resting-place within the soul: until that time, the foxes will have holes, the birds of the air nests, but the Son of Man will have nowhere to lay His head.

Science and reason, which in the former church had either been separated from religion, or opposed to it, will in the New Jerusalem be united, and form a union upon which the Divine blessing may descend; there shall no longer be any opposition between them; the Divine Love will fill the soul, the Divine Truth will enlighten the understanding, and the Lord shall be in the inmost, and Israel a blessing in the midst of the land.

The great and essential foundation of the New Church is stated in the vision of Daniel: "I saw in the night visions, one like unto the Son of Man; and he came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him into union with him." The manifestation of the Divine Unity, in the glorified humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, is here clearly revealed. The words used by the prophet imply complete union, and it is not until this union between the Divine Essence and the