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It is by the operations of the Divine providence originating in the purest mercy, that he humbles us, and brings down our pride and arrogance, that we may be led to depend upon him, and be at length brought to see and confess, that in ourselves we are nothing but evil, while he alone is essential good.

While sin displays itself in our pride, ignorance, guilt, and misery, the love of the Lord is displayed for us in pure mercy, by the only means calculated to effect our deliverance, and give us ultimate rest and peace.

Deceember Eigheenth.


"Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another."Mark ix. 50.

SALT has correspondence with truth. Truth is constantly exercising itself in overcoming evil, and in promoting good and useful works; and hence duty has been not unaptly compared with salt. Duty is, in reality, the salt of life. The sense of duty is as necessary a stimulant in the health and enjoyment of our spiritual being, as salt is to give flavour to the daily food of man; and this we apprehend to be one part of the meaning of the Divine Words of the Saviour, "Have salt in yourselves."

"Without duty, or a life of use, the world soon becomes utterly uninteresting and utterly tasteless. Objects, there are none to arouse; purpose, there is none to attain. The being who is deprived of the means of happiness, or, condemned to the endurance of pain, suffers, and suffers much. But hope lingers at the