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this probationary state will be enjoyed. A nation would be truly blessed if it were governed by no other laws than those contained in the Word of God.

December Nineteenth.


"Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness."Psalm lxv. 11.

EACH season brings its blessings. In the spring, the Lord "makes the clouds his chariot, he walks upon the wings of the wind;" he it is that charges the air with moisture, which, discharging fertilizing streams upon the earth, gives us evidence that His footsteps drop fatness; so that in summer the habitations of the wilderness distil, the hills are girded with joy, the pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys covered with corn. And still the Lord continues His goodness, and autumn matures the treasures which sustain the body of man. He gives us "plenty of corn and wine."

In observing the seasons, their vicissitudes, and the changes which constantly take place, the air which we breathe, and in which we are, so to speak, constantly bathed, the light by which we see, the heat that warms us, the fruits of the earth which nourish us, the water which cleanses, refreshes, and revives us, the animals which conduce partly to our assistance and convenience, and partly to our clothing—all are blessings which prove the goodness of the Lord.

But these are only a very small portion of the Divine beneficence. These blessings are absolutely conducive