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flict, is given to us only when we pass into the eternal world; there the Lord gives us peace and rest. Here He comforts us with a morsel of bread and a cruse of water, a little rest, a little refreshment, a perception of peace, which for the time strengthens us, and imparts new energy to meet the difficulties which are still before us. But when the Divine peace is fully given, we rest from all labour. In heaven all conflict ceases. The battle has been fought in this world, the victory is achieved, and a crown of glory is the diadem of peace,

December Twenty-ninth.


"Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is Peace."Psalm xxxvii. 37.

"There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked."Isa. xlviii. 22.

THE end of the regenerating Christian, his motives, intentions, and thoughts, are all fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of peace and love. We shall better see the application of this if we reflect for a moment on the way of the wicked; and while we behold the end of a good man to be "peace," we shall see that there is "no peace to the wicked."

The life of the wicked seems to be a continual struggle for dominion and power, as though this world was to be their abode for ever. In no one pursuit of the wicked is the end thereof peace, but the direct contrary.

We speak not of that extreme wickedness which would consign the perpetrators, even in this life, to