Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/364

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ing of our Lord Jesus Christ: "Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you." There are few, indeed, even of the most rugged natures, whom kindness does not affect. It constrains far more than force can do. A kind word, a sympathizing look, will act upon those upon whom coercion has been tried in vain. While kindness invites to love and obedience—harshness provokes to aversion and resistance; "Power itself has not one-half the might of gentleness. Kindness is the very sunshine of social life! it enters into the soul, cheering and elevating even the poorest lot;" thawing away the ice of habit and indifference, it lets in a flood of heat and light—goodness and truth—upon the soul. It is the highest practical morality; it is the very essence of Christianity itself; it comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, from Him who crowns the year with His goodness,

We press this duty with the greater earnestness, because it is our duty in all things to imitate our Saviour, who went about doing good; and who added but one commandment to the moral code: "Love one another, as I have loved you."

If spared to enter upon another year, let our utmost endeavour be to imitate our Lord in all things. Wherever we go, in whatever paths of usefulness we walk, let there be some impress of goodness left behind us; and ascribing all the power to will and to do unto the Lord, and giving Him all the glory, we shall, when the battle of life is ended, enter into the rest of the Lord. Amen and Amen!