Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/379

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Thou hast prepared a way for us in this our wilderness state; and Thy voice of Divine condescension is perpetually saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Thy presence is perpetual. Thy coming is continual. How cheering to the humble soul are Thy Divine and gracious accents—"Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be thou not dismayed, I am thy God." It is by this Divine encouragement that Thou raisest the poor from the dust, and from the valley of humiliation exaltest them to sit among the princes of Thy people. O may we, individually and collectively, feel grateful for this Divine encouragement.

Our Father, &c.

Saturday Evening.

GREAT and Glorious Lord God Almighty, we approach Thy Divine person with heartfelt gratitude, and deepest reverence. Thou hast brought us safely to the conclusion of another week, and Thy bounteous hand has scattered profusion and abundance around, so that all Thy creatures may be richly fed. The year is indeed crowned with Thy goodness, and all Thy paths drop fatness. We have gathered in the fruits of the earth; and seed for the sower, and bread for the eater, hast Thou abundantly supplied. How wisely, how bounteously hast Thou distributed the food of man through the varying seasons of the year! O Lord we adore Thee for the beneficent tenderness which thus provides for our bodily sustenance: truly Thy goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. "Thou art our God! we will exalt Thee, we will praise Thy name for ever and ever!"