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In the work of Atonement, two things were necessary. The entire subjugation of the enemies of man; and, the establishment of a medium of communication between God and His creatures.

The first was performed when the Lord, as man, admitted and repelled the utmost temptations of the infernal hosts, and especially when, in the last contest on the cross. He "spoiled principalities and powers," leading "captivity captive, and receiving gifts from men;" and, secondly, by the glorification of His humanity, and its union with His essential Godhead, "a new and living way" was opened, the humanity of the Saviour becoming the "Mediator," or medium of access, to the infinite God.

In this great work two beings only were engaged—God and man. The first wrought out and accomplished the work of Atonement; the other receives that atonement when approaching the hidden by means of the manifested God, the Divinity by the glorified humanity; he receives unto himself that love and that wisdom, which, by making him an image of God, joins him to his Maker, "God is one;" that God is the Lord of Hosts, the Redeemer, and Saviour; that Saviour comes to reconcile the world unto himself; and man receives the atonement when, coming to the Savjour, "he ceases to do evil and learns to do well," loves God with all his heart, and his neighbour as himself. Thus he drinks the blood of Christ, receives into his understanding the eternal truth; and eats His flesh, receives into his will and affections the love of God; thus by the same eternal truth is he "washed," and by the same love sustained, till his journey on earth terminates in the rest of heaven, and then "we