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quality of the gold itself; for much depends upon this knowledge, and this knowledge is acquired by being acquainted with the country which produces it. The Scriptures speak of gold from Uphaz, of gold from Ophir, of gold from Sheba, of gold from Havilah, and of gold from Tarshish. The gold of Uphaz, signifies celestial good; of Ophir, spiritual good; of Sheba and Havilah, the good of knowledge; and of Tarshish, scientific good. Silver from the same countries will symbolize the various degrees of truth.

September Eighteenth.


"I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."Psalm cxxxix 14.

THE form of man is upright; in this he is singular upon the earth. For though the bear has a broad foot, and stands erect when he fights; though the ape and the pigmy sometimes walk or run in an erect posture; still, to the human species alone is the position natural and constant. The foot of man is more firm and broad, he has a long great toe, while the ape has but a thumb; his heel too, is on a level with the sole of his foot. All the muscles acting in this position are adapted to it. The calf of the leg is enlarged, the pelvis is drawn backward, the hips are spread outwards from each other, the spine is less curved, the breast is widened, the shoulders have clavicles, the hands have fingers endued with the sense of feeling; to crown the structure, the receding head is exalted on the muscles of the neck. Man is a creature looking far above and around him.