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Divine truth must be the guide of both, if real happiness is to be secured. Our Lord rode upon an ass when he entered Jerusalem, to instruct us that if he, the Essential Truth, lead and guide the sensual man, he will be eventually conducted to the Jerusalem which is above. The Word of God is our ever-present Jesus. Truth does not destroy sensual knowledge, but sanctifies and renders it subservient to His own wise and benevolent purposes; operates upon it, guides it, and directs it eventually to His holy temple. To neglect sensual or scientific knowledge, is not safe. The Lord has endowed us with power to acquire sensual as well as intellectual and spiritual knowledge; but the Lord Himself, as Essential Truth, must guide and direct all; and if we permit Him to direct us. He will conduct us safely to heaven.

September Twenty-third.


"Their tongue is us an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit."Jer. ix. 8.

IT is good for every man to hold frequent communion with himself, and when he reads of vice or wickedness, to ask his own conscience, "Am I such as is here described?" Were we to do this, we should be much more tender of the reputation of our brethren, and much more watchful against our own evils, than we are at present. Let us begin this course at once; and let us bring, to assist us in such an important labour, the present truth to bear upon our own conduct. The tongue itself is the organ of taste: it