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cumstance which prevents our feeling any ease, until all foreign and injurious particles are removed. Such are the provisions of Infinite Wisdom made to secure the apple of the eye. Now the Lord preserves His people in the same manner. The sphere of His Divine eye, the Divine Omniscience, constantly surrounds them. If the eye of the soul is meekly raised to Him no weapon formed against it can prosper. If we submit to His guidance, and follow Him, though we walk through the midst of the valley of the shadow of death, we need fear no evil, for the Divine Omniscience is still upon us, to guard us as the apple of his eye.

Do we suffer from the wickedness of others? Let us remember that the Lord will even overrule this for good. Do our enemies appear to prosper, while we are in comparative trouble all the day long? We must still remember that the purposes, as well as the dispositions, of all men are known to the Lord, and are controlled by Him, who, as His footsteps pass before us, infinite in wisdom, goodness, and power, leads us through ways, umknown it may be to us, but known to Him as essentially the best. Only let us trust in His guiding providence; He will lead us safely by a way we know not, through all our trials, and will compensate all our sufferings, by an eternity of rest and blessedness.