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scenes around us, which are all faithful warnings to us to prepare, that the summons, come when it may, may find us ready. The day and the hour in Scripture represent state; and watchfulness is enjoined, that each trial to which we may be subjected, and which is permitted to purify us from evil, may cause us to elevate our thoughts to the Divine Light, so that we may be safely guided through it. The Lord alone beholds the state of all men; he knows what is best for us, and arranges His Divine dispensations, that we may be preparing for our removal, until the time for our final change comes. Our duty is to prepare; and for this purpose the rule to read and meditate frequently on the Word of God, is deserving our most devout attention. The coming of the Son of Man, whether considered in relation to the church in general, or to any individual member, is totally unknown to every one unenlightened by divine truth. The Holy Word is our only safe guide. Jesus being the light thereof." "Let us, therefore, stand upon our watch, and set ourselves upon our tower; and watch to see what the Lord will say unto us, and what we shail answer when we are reproved."

September Twenty-eighth.


"Behoid, how good and how pieasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."Psalm cxxxiii. 1.

ANGELS "are surrounded by forms and colours, beautiful according to their state; and their speech, being in correspondence with their affections,