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pursues its course from the beard to the garments, and thence to their skirts. What garments are to the body, divine truths are to the soul. And when the church returns to her first love, her garments will be as spotless and beautiful without, as the soul is pure and humble within. The virtue of the consecrated oil, or goodness, is not stationary, but goes forth; consecrates every affection to God; enters every thought and principle of the understanding; descends to the very lowest principles of man; and unites all into one bond of brotherhood. The same heavenly oil that unites together the innumerable affections and principles of the human soul, unites also the several individuals which constitute a church. An inward principle of love to the Lord is the ground of all their actions. Each strives to discover the particular kind of good which he possesses, that he may exercise it with more effect for the general good. Envy is not known in such a society, but all experience the goodness and pleasantness of dwelling together in unity.

September Thirtieth.


"As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."Psa. cxxxiii. 3.

DEW "has correspondence with the truth of goodness derived from a state of innocence and peace; and the dew of Hermon denotes truth of a celestial origin." Now nothing is better adapted to produce peace and tranquillity in man, in a family, or