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use the opportunities we meet with to this end, however various. Now learn how you may effect this with tolerable facility.

It may happen that in the very same day, and perhaps in the same hour, that we are blamed for some good action, or found fault with for some other cause; we may be harshly denied some favour we have asked for, or some trifling request; we may be accused of something we have not done, or be called upon to endure some bodily pain, or some petty annoyance (such as a dish badly cooked); or we may have to bear some real and heavy trial, such as this miserable life is full of.

In this variety of occurrences, and in any other like events, we may perform various acts of virtue, yet, if we would keep to our rule, we must continue to exercise ourselves in acts which belong to the virtue we have in hand.

For example; if it is patience we are endeavouring to cultivate, when these opportunities present themselves, we must meet them with a willing and light heart.

If it is humility, we must in all our troubles acknowledge that we deserve them.

If it is obedience, we must promptly submit ourselves to the Almighty Hand of God, and for His pleasure (since He has so willed it) to all