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The third is, the resolve to attack and uproot all your evil propensities, however trifling they may appear.

The fourth is, the effort to imitate with all your might the virtues of the Saviour, Who suffered not only to redeem us and make satisfaction for our sins, but also to leave us an example that we should follow His holy steps.

Here I will suggest a plan of meditation which may serve for this purpose.

Suppose, for example, you are seeking to form patience; in imitating Christ your Lord, take the following points.

First, consider how the Soul of Christ in the Passion acted towards God.

Secondly, how God acted towards the Soul of Christ.

Thirdly, how the Soul of Christ acted towards Itself, and towards His most holy Body.

Fourthly, how Christ acted towards us.

Fifthly, how we should act towards Christ.

First, consider how the Soul of Christ, gazing intently upon God, marvelled to behold that infinite, incomprehensible Greatness,—in comparison with which all created things are as a mere nothing—treated with the greatest indignity on earth (yet still abiding changeless in Its Glory), and this for man, from whom It has received no return but that of unfaithfulness and insult;