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works, as fasts, prayers, acts of patience, or any other good deeds, first turn your mind to the offering which Christ made to the Father of His fasts, prayers, and other works; and in trustful dependence on the worth and virtue of these, offer then your own.

When you wish to offer to your Heavenly Father the works of Christ, in satisfaction for your sins, you will do it in this manner. You will make a general, and sometimes a particular, review of your sins, and seeing clearly that it is not possible for you, of yourself, to appease the anger of God, nor to satisfy His Divine Justice, you will have recourse to the Life and Passion of His Son, and meditate upon some one of His actions; as, for example, when He fasted, prayed, suffered, and shed His Blood; here you will see that, in order to propitiate the Father, and to pay the debt of your iniquity, He offered Him these His Works, His Suffering and Blood,—as it were saying: "Behold, Eternal Father, what superabundant satisfaction I make to Thy Justice for the sins and trespasses of N. May it please Thy Divine Majesty to forgive them, and to receive that person into the number of Thine elect."

Then make the same offering, and offer these prayers for yourself, to the Father Himself, imploring Him that, by virtue of them, He