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flight. Fly, fly, beloved soul, if you would not be taken captive.

And if there are some, who have spent all their life in the presence of most dangerous occasions, without falling, that is no encouragement to you, but arises from the judgments of God; besides, when the falls are not seen, the overthrow of the soul is often the greatest. Fly, and obey the advice and examples which God gives you in Holy Scripture, in the lives of so many great saints, and every day in this or that person.

Fly, fly, without looking behind you to see or remember from what object you are flying; for here too there is the danger of returning to it.

And if there is necessary intercourse, let your words be few and brief, and rather brusque than gracious: for in this you may be caught, and there is danger of flame and fire. Here the maxim holds good, "Use medicine or ever thou be sick." Do not wait until you are ill, but fly betimes; for this is the only safe medicine.

But if unfortunately the sickness overtakes you, your whole safety depends upon your instantly checking the first symptoms, which is—to use the expression of the Spirit—the taking and dashing the little ones against the stones; then hasten to your confessor, hide not from him the