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whatever manner the Lord may will to be served by them in this world; using diligence to keep themselves peaceful and tranquil, taking every thing from the Hand of their Heavenly Father, in Whose Hand alone is the cup from which they have to drink.

For whether the trouble and temptation arise from the devil, or from men, or on account of sins, or in whatever way, it is always God Who gives it to you, though it reaches you through various channels, as it pleases Him; since it is only the evil of the pain which reaches you, and this is always ordered for your good. Though, however, the evil of the fault itself—for example, an act of injury or insult committed by your neighbour —is contrary to His Will, yet as far as you are concerned, He makes use of it for your benefit and salvation. Therefore, instead of giving way to sadness and discontent, you should give thanks with inward joy and gladness, doing every thing that lies in your power with perseverance and resolution, without losing time, and with that loss the many and great rewards, which God wills that you should gain by this opportunity which He presents to you.