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this vice being, as a rule, the punishment of pride.

3. When the temptation has gone, you must act in this way:—However free, and however secure you fancy yourself to be from all danger, yet keep your mind far away from those subjects which may have occasioned the temptation, even should you feel an inducement to do otherwise for the sake of some good and virtuous end. For this is a device of our corrupt nature, and a snare of our subtle enemy, who transforms himself into an angel of light, that he may draw us into the darkness.


Of the Way to overcome Sloth.

THAT you may not fall into the miserable bondage of sloth, which not only hinders all spiritual progress, but also delivers you into the hands of your enemies, you must avoid all curiosity and earthly attachment, and every occupation which does not belong to your state of life.

You must then exert yourself to obey every good inspiration from above, and every command of those who are over you; doing every thing at the time and in the manner which they approve of.